Celebrities and stars in public eyes.

Celebrities Who Hates Pants

Posted by - kaMote cUte - | 12:42 AM | | 0 comments »

Britney Spears. Sgt. Pepper's showstopper Britney Spears proudly, and pantslessly, marches to the beat of her own drummer, leading her flaming crazy Circus into pop star oblivion.

Madonna. Over the course of her decades-long career, Madonna Madgesty has made it royally clear that her kingdom is pants-optional.

Beyonce. Bodaciously beautiful Beyonce wears this look the only way it can be worn: with enough sass to send your head sailing off your shoulders.

Heidi Klum. Just because Heidi Klum is a supermodel and we've all seen her body in a swimsuit like a million times doesn't mean she's exempt from putting on some pants once in awhile.

Mariah Carey. Longtime minidress advocate Mariah Carey has been photographed lately wearing skimpier outfits that cover less and less of her lower half. If her clothing keeps shrinking like this, pretty soon she's just going to be legs and a head.

Pamela Anderson. The only way you're going to get Pam Anderson to put on some pants is if you make pants out of her breasts.

Rihanna. No stranger to risky fashion choices, Rihanna's leg-baring daring is only upstaged by the probable flammability of her outfit. The look she's going for here appears to be "Sexy Fire Hazard (With No Pants)."

Sacha Baron. Sacha Baron Cohen, whose Bruno character seems bent on making sure that if gay people aren't free to get married in this country, they'll at least have the right to proudly wear cheetah-print leotards in lieu of pants.